Friday 21 May 2021

Jesus's Ascension

This week we have learning about the Ascension of Jesus. Jesus's Ascension is about when he went up to heaven. I enjoyed  putting the doves In. I found  it tricky to find a picture of Jesus.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Sign Language Week

This week we have been learning New Zealand Sign Language. We read some articles.  I was shocked to read that Sign Language was banned and people were not allowed to use it until 1978 I think. The deaf people had to lip read and try and talk. I think that was unfair and mean.

I found it difficult to do because doing the signing was tricky.
I enjoyed making the video and signing my name.

Do you know any Sign Language?

Thursday 6 May 2021


This week i've been learning how to summarise, We were reading about animal war heroes. Then we had to choose our favourite one to summarise.

It has been hard because I had to finish off doing Mothers day cards and doing art. It has been really fun making this slide. I enjoyed it.   

Wednesday 5 May 2021

How to Teach Five Year Olds How To Do The Sign of the Cross.

When I was trying to do a Screencastify to teach children how to do the sign of the cross I failed so many times because people either interrupted me or I kept using my wrong hand but I made it and I will show you one of my fails.There was no sound.


There was no sound and I figured it out and I will show you the video that I completed.