Tuesday 30 March 2021

Holy Week.

This week in Writing we have been learning how to retell and in Reading we have been learning how to summarise. I found it easy to read information and  to put it in my own words. I found it hard to to  summarise because I needed  3 screencastify to tell what happened during Holy Week. It was hard to keep the puppets with me because the wind kept blowing them away. 

This is Palm Sunday to Holy Thursday. The second one is Good Friday to the start of Easter Sunday, and the third one is the end of Easter Sunday.

Friday 26 March 2021

Te Kuri A Paoa.

 I spent so much time doing this art.

First I  grabbed a chalk and drew Te kuri a paoa.

After drawing a dog, i grabbed brown and  orange and started coloring the bottom bit, the tail and the four legs.

On the top bit I used yellow and orange and green with pastel.

We grabbed chalk and  drew it over with a black pastel to make a mountain.

I enjoyed drawing the sharp teeth.

Thursday 18 March 2021

My Favourite Sports.

My Favourite Sports Is Rugby I Play For A Club By Town  Near  Elgin Street. I've been play for 4 years.

Term 1 Goals 2021

This week I've been working on my Term 1 Goals and it was hard to figure out which character I was. It was hard because I was just staring at them and not thinking about how it related t me. I found writing the details of my goals kind of easy because Miss Mikayla was helping me.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

place value.

I have been learning  how to add using place value.

Monday 1 March 2021

My Lenten Promise

Lent comes before Easter. It is a time to prepare. We made Lenten Promises. They were about praying more, giving something up and almsgiving. That means service like doing the dishes or cleaning my room without being asked. This took me weeks to finish and blog because I was colouring neatly.