Wednesday 20 October 2021

Deep Ark 6 part 1

This week for reading I was learning how to Infer. Inferring is when the clue is in the story and you have you work out what the reader means.
I read this book about Deep Ark 6 part 1 and it is so amazing that they live two thousand metres underwater, Next time I will try and find more facts about Deep Ark 6 part 1.

Thursday 30 September 2021

September Reflection

It is the end of the month so we are reflecting on what we have done. I am really enjoying this year because it is my last year here. I will miss some people because some of my friends are going to a different school next year. I am most proud of my art. You can read about it on my newsletter. What re you proud of this month?

Wednesday 22 September 2021

No girls allowed

 This week for reading we were reading No girls allowed, it was about a girl who wasn't allowed to play rugby. We were learning how to identify what the characters point of view is.

I found it hard to stay on task and finish my work that's why it isn't finished. I get distracted easily by people talking.  I will ignore classmates and try to get my work done, 

Mr Wolf is Guilty

 This week for writing I was learning how to structure my writing. 

Is Mr Wolf Guilty of 1st Degree

I strongly believe Mr Wolf is guilty of 1st degree murder of Grandma. Here are my 4 reasons why I think Mr Wolf is guilty.

Firstly I think Mr Wolf is guilty for breaking and entering into Grandma's house. He broke down the door and saw Grandma and chased her around the house. 

Once he caught Grandma Mr Wolf shoved her into the wardrobe, he tied her hands and feet up and put a sock in her mouth. To save her and eat her later.

Thirdly, He Dressed up as Grandma to impersonate her while he waited in bed for little Red to come to the house to eat her too. 

Finally little Red came to the house and Mr Wolf caught Red, He ate grandma and chased Red around. She was crying loudly until she was eaten too.

This is why I strongly believe why Mr Wolf is guilty of 1st degree murder.

Is Mr Wolf guilty?

 This  Week for writing I was writing about why Mr Wolf is and isn't guilty of 1st Degree Murder.

Here some reasons why.

Thursday 16 September 2021


 For reading this week understand the author's point of view. It is also Conservation Week, Te wiki o te reo Maori and Social Justice Week. We read The Beatitudes in english and maori and found a picture of an animal that matched the words. You can find the Beatitudes in the Bible. The link is here.

Friday 3 September 2021

More learning about Pen Pals.

This week I decided to learn more  about Pen Pals I read an article in a school Journal. the children from Arataki school became Pen Pals with the people Somervale Retirement Home, I also Found out Mrs Tilley use to teach at Arataki School when she was a young teacher,

Thursday 2 September 2021

Pen Pals.

 This week I have been learning about pen pals before people had computers and facebook they use to write a letter to people from different countries. Sometimes they never saw each other but just communicated by writing letters. I wrote to my teacher Mrs Naden today as i haven't seen her for a while because of lockdown.

Friday 13 August 2021

Rata leaves - healing plants

  This week I have been learning how to summarise. I was reading about rata leaves. It has not been easy to find some information about rata leaves, I found out that rata leaves can stop your toothache. I know that's not that much information But if you have a toothache I hope this helps your Teeth.

Thursday 29 July 2021

The Olympic Games.

This week for Reading we have been learning how to skim and scan. We read articles about the Olympic Games. Then we had to re read them and skim and scan to find the information we needed to use in our slides. If we couldn't find the words we used control f and wrote the word. Our chromebooks highlighted the word so we could read the information we needed. We then put it on our own words.

Click on the image on the first slide and it will take you to some information. Click on the picture of the house and it will take you back home.

Have you got any fun facts that I could have added to my slides?

Thursday 24 June 2021


For reading this week we have been learning to compare and contrast.We have been reading about Matariki and the stories about it from different countries. In my group, we discussed the similarities and differences between all the stories around the world. We had to work out how we would present our discussion on our blog. We choose to do it on slides,

I enjoyed reading about different stories. I found it frustrating when I wanted to blog and some people had not finished their part of the presentation.


Thursday 17 June 2021


 This week I've been learning to measure my height and my other body parts. It has been tricky to tell how high I was because I would be taller than the tape.



For weeks I've been learning how to infer about Perseus. Inferring is when the author leaves clues but doesn't tell you. We had to infer what Perseus was like. Was he mean? Was he brave? Then we had to give evidence from the story to say why we thought that. 

My favourite part of the story was the man who turned into stone. I found it tricky to choose the shapes to put in my writing and I found it easy to remember and retell the story to others.

Why don't spiders stick to their web?

For the past few weeks we have been doing explanation i was learning to use a diagram i had to labelle my diagram and explained my diagram have you ever done a piece of explanation

 Why don’t spiders stick to their webs?

A spider is a small creature with 8 legs and two body parts. Most spiders spin webs to catch flies and insects and to lay eggs. 

Spiders have hairs on their legs. Their hairs on their legs aren’t big enough to stick on the web.

Spiders clean themselves. they clean silk and dirt off themselves so there is nothing to stick on the web.

Thirdly, spiders move quickly  and nimbly. Only the very tips of their legs make contact with the web which means there is not enough for the spiders to stick to it.

Finally not all parts are sticky.The parts of the web that are not sticky are where the spider rests and where he or she runs. 

Some of the reasons that spiders don’t stick to their web are they have hairs on their legs, they clean themselves,

they move quickly and nimbly and not all parts are sticky.

Friday 4 June 2021

Samoan Language Week

Talofa lava. This week we have been saying The Lord's Prayer in Samoan. I've been doing Samoan art, Samoan people make this kind of art but make it differently. They make a dress thats' like this art for girls to dance in.They also put tapa cloth on their walls and their floors. We do the same - I am Tongan. The boys wear it too so they can do a sasa. Sasa is a Samoan word  for a group dance  performed by males  and females.

Have you ever done a sasa or spoken Samoan?

Thursday 3 June 2021

Anime Sketch

 For the past few weeks I have been doing a anime sketch but I did it differently I decided to do Levi from Attack on Titans Mixed with Spongebob with crooked teeth. I first started hair pushed hard for the shading and then smudged the hair to give it more effect.    

It was been tricky to do Levi so I did mixed it up with Spongebob this made  it easier to do.

I am proud of my work.

Piskel Sprite Art.

This week I've been creating a fox on Piskel Sprite.  Piskel Sprite is a site where you create stuff on it and to be honest I enjoyed it.
If you are creating something on Piskel Sprite make sure to save it because on Tuesday I forgot to save my fox art and I had to restart.Make sure to Download it when you are creating something. Then you can upload it onto your Blog or whatever you want.
Here's my fox. Have you ever created a Sprite?


Friday 21 May 2021

Jesus's Ascension

This week we have learning about the Ascension of Jesus. Jesus's Ascension is about when he went up to heaven. I enjoyed  putting the doves In. I found  it tricky to find a picture of Jesus.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Sign Language Week

This week we have been learning New Zealand Sign Language. We read some articles.  I was shocked to read that Sign Language was banned and people were not allowed to use it until 1978 I think. The deaf people had to lip read and try and talk. I think that was unfair and mean.

I found it difficult to do because doing the signing was tricky.
I enjoyed making the video and signing my name.

Do you know any Sign Language?

Thursday 6 May 2021


This week i've been learning how to summarise, We were reading about animal war heroes. Then we had to choose our favourite one to summarise.

It has been hard because I had to finish off doing Mothers day cards and doing art. It has been really fun making this slide. I enjoyed it.   

Wednesday 5 May 2021

How to Teach Five Year Olds How To Do The Sign of the Cross.

When I was trying to do a Screencastify to teach children how to do the sign of the cross I failed so many times because people either interrupted me or I kept using my wrong hand but I made it and I will show you one of my fails.There was no sound.


There was no sound and I figured it out and I will show you the video that I completed.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

March Reflection

 At the end of every month we sit back and think about our learning. We think about what we have achieved and what we are proud of. You can read about my thoughts on this newsletter.

Do you reflect about your learning?

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Holy Week.

This week in Writing we have been learning how to retell and in Reading we have been learning how to summarise. I found it easy to read information and  to put it in my own words. I found it hard to to  summarise because I needed  3 screencastify to tell what happened during Holy Week. It was hard to keep the puppets with me because the wind kept blowing them away. 

This is Palm Sunday to Holy Thursday. The second one is Good Friday to the start of Easter Sunday, and the third one is the end of Easter Sunday.

Friday 26 March 2021

Te Kuri A Paoa.

 I spent so much time doing this art.

First I  grabbed a chalk and drew Te kuri a paoa.

After drawing a dog, i grabbed brown and  orange and started coloring the bottom bit, the tail and the four legs.

On the top bit I used yellow and orange and green with pastel.

We grabbed chalk and  drew it over with a black pastel to make a mountain.

I enjoyed drawing the sharp teeth.

Thursday 18 March 2021

My Favourite Sports.

My Favourite Sports Is Rugby I Play For A Club By Town  Near  Elgin Street. I've been play for 4 years.

Term 1 Goals 2021

This week I've been working on my Term 1 Goals and it was hard to figure out which character I was. It was hard because I was just staring at them and not thinking about how it related t me. I found writing the details of my goals kind of easy because Miss Mikayla was helping me.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

place value.

I have been learning  how to add using place value.

Monday 1 March 2021

My Lenten Promise

Lent comes before Easter. It is a time to prepare. We made Lenten Promises. They were about praying more, giving something up and almsgiving. That means service like doing the dishes or cleaning my room without being asked. This took me weeks to finish and blog because I was colouring neatly.

Friday 26 February 2021

who dunnit?

 This was Really hard and i knew that chloe was the thief. She had white powder has the same effect as the washing soda. Fabric is the same as sheep wool. handwriting  is the same  in the note. fingerprint match the police evidence

Wednesday 24 February 2021

We are learning to make connections to what we are reading,  this week we were reading about fingerprints. Yesterday we done a fingerprint experiment, You push your fingerprints into the ink pad and put it into your inquiry books. I spent hard work working on this Fingerprint and loved the black ink on my Right Thumb.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Chinese New Year Lantern

I worked hard making this Lantern and made it out  by cutting  the Paper with Scissors .

Friday 12 February 2021


Hi my name is Kali  and I go to Saint Mary's Catholic school. I've been in this school for 6 yrs. I am in Room 1. I have two siblings at  this school. 

I’m good at rugby, I played for our St Mary’s School team last year as a forward. I like to play soccer at morning tea and lunch. I think I’m pretty good at soccer. I find cross country challenging because I am not used to running long distances.  My goal this year is to learn my 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s time tables.

This year I am looking forward to athletics day because it is a fun day with my friends in Green House, St Francis.